Career Profile
I gained my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Philip Mauskopf studying the cold-electron bolometer, studying its potential as an ultra-fast and sensitive detector for millimetre-wave astronomy. Since then I have held post doctroal positions with Prof. Peter Ade developing a testbed for next-genration mercury cadmium telluride detectors (this testbed designed has since been adopted by the Eurpean Space Agency) and Dr Simon Doyle developing kinetic-inductance detectors and cryogenics for millimetre-wave astronomy.
Developing ultra-fast and -sensitive detectors for millimetre wave astronomy. Utilising weak electorn-phonon coupling and non-Ohmic tunnelling contacts.
Inlcuding research projects studying: micro/solid-state refrigeration and cold-electorn boloemters.
Developed novel He3-light cooling system providing continous cooling of a 100-mK detector stage using a total of less the 10 LSTP of helium-3. MUSCAT represents the first on-sky demonstration of passively switch soprtion refrigerators and miniature dilution refrigeration.
Developed a multi-banded cryogenic testbed for the study of a ultra-low dark current MCT detectors for astronomical applications in exoplanet science. The design concept of this testbed has since been reproduced and apoted by the European Space Agency.
In addition to my key roles, I am involved in several other projects and organisations both within academia and in my personal life.
A full publication list can be found on my Google Scholar profile. A selection of my first-author papers is below.